
王颍菲,女 ,1989年10月生,中国共产党党员,工学博士,讲师。
2023.06 —至今 永利集团,77779193永利集团,讲师
2018.09 — 2022.12大连理工大学,制冷及低温工程(海洋能源利用方向),博士
2014.07 — 2018.06国知局审协河南中心,机械发明审查部,发明专利实质审查员
2012.09 — 2014.06 大连理工大学,动力工程,硕士
2008.09 — 2012.06大连理工大学,能源与环境系统工程(制冷与低温),学士
1. Wang, Y., Dong, B., Zhang, L., Li, W., Song, Y. Numerical simulation of CH4 recovery from gas hydrate using gaseous CO2 injected into porous media. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 95, 104199.
2. Wang, Y., Dong, B., Zhang, L., Chen, C., Li, W., Song, Y. Influences of diffusion-limited transport in the crystals and initial water on the gaseous CO2 dynamic replacement in CH4 hydrate.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 106, 104741.
3. Wang, Y., Dong, B., Wang, P., Zhang, L., Chen, C., Qin, Y., Liu, Y., Li, W., Song, Y. Pore-scale investigation for the influence of initial water on CO2-CH4 exchange in hydrate by CO2 injection. Energy & Fuels, 2022, 36: 9950-9966.
4. Liu, Y., Sun, J.Y., Chen, C., Li, W.,Qin, Y., Wang, Y. Molecular insights into gas hydrate formation in the presence of graphene oxide solid surfaces. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 359, 119309.
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